
Everyone seems to be caught up in the Facebook craze.  I thought I was safe at work (once they blocked it) and at home.  But now even Jenna has been sucked into the vortex that is Facebook, more specifically the little Mafia game on Facebook.  I have to be honest though, I just don’t get it.  (I don’t get twitter either for that matter.)  Now I know a lot of people think that if you blog you should get Facebook because it’s basically blogging.  I disagree.  I don’t blog for other people though because I have no pretense that people actually care what I think.  Facebook and Twitter are basically the same thing, espcially since Facebook updated their site several months ago. 

I loved the idea of Facebook when it was a more mature Myspace.  It was a place to reconnect with friends from childhood that had disappeared when they moved away or when we graduated college.  Now it’s nothing more than a glorified Twitter where you can share exactly what you are doing at that moment, plus you can throw snowballs at people and post pictures.  And of course let’s not forget about the all important “Friends” on Facebook.  People actually care about how many friends they can have on there and I’ve even heard of people competing to see who can have more friends.  Really?!  I have people from high school asking to be my friend and my only thought is “We didn’t like each other in high school.  What makes you think we are friends now?”  I’ve even heard people say, “It’s not official until it’s Facebook official.”  What does that even mean?  That nothing is life is real until you post on Facebook about it?  How pathetic are we a society that we think this way?

Maybe it’s just because I don’t think people care what I’m doing every second of the day and to be honest, I really don’t care what they are doing either.  Nor do I need a website to list who my friends are so I don’t accidentally forget.

Marvel sells out

It’s been a few days since the new broke and I’m still not sure what to think about the news that Disney has purchased Marvel Comics Ent.  My first reaction was that this was horrible news.  Now I’m leaning more towards quiet skepticism that anything good can come of this.  Disney has never come in and taken over something without causing harm with the exception of Pixar.  When they took over ABC the network was the leader in sports entertainment and they killed it.  Disney is the company that sued a daycare because they painted a giant mural of cartoon characters.  I can only hope Disney doesn’t decide to force Marvel to become more family friendly.  I can only pray they don’t decide the cut out the comic book department all together because they aren’t profitable enough.  And before you say that isn’t possible because Marvel is nothing without their comics, Disney doesn’t want comics.  Disney wants the 5,000 character library that Marvel created to make money, I mean movies.  Spider-man, X-men, Wolverine, Iron Man and Blade are but a few of the gold mines that Disney wants to plunder.  Let’s just hope they do it the smart way and don’t run them into the ground.

Big let down

They got our hopes up for more snow this week.  (Yeah I know I haven’t put up the pictures from Blizzard ’09 yet but I will soon.)  They were calling for 2-4 inches over night so I figured maybe 1-3 inches.  I stayed up late playing xBox and relaxing assuming I would be able to sleep in this morning.  Well, nothing happened.  We had a light dusting on the cars and grass but everything else was clear.  Stupid weatherman. 

Sin much?

So I was give this link earlier today.  At first I thought it was a joke.  But, I think it might actually be real.  Apparently Reuters is reporting a group of Christians decided they needed to go down to Wall Street to pray for the economy.  Well, on Wall Street, where they went to pray, there is the bronze bull statue.  So these idiots were literally laying hands and praying to a golden calf!
